Monday, March 23, 2009

The Frogs & The Music Speakers

Suddenly I misses the life in Wuhan, China. Where the apartment is extra bigger space than the one we are living here. It seems to be a little bit too big for a couple to live in this apt. The isolation is not so strong. So you can feel the cold wind comes inside through the gap between the balcony windows. But the sounds of the frogs making sounds at night is making you feeling like living in the middle of the jungle close to the nature kind of feeling. In the morning you can hear the neighbour talking loud with the mobile phone. People walking out through the walkway of the apartment area. There are some neighbourhood going out to work or supermarket to buy some food to cook for meals. There are speakers on the grass everywhere outside the apartment area playing some China pop songs.

Usually the condominium or apartment area in Malaysia means one or two blocks under the same company management. But in Wuhan, China the apartment area under one company management is huge. It's more than 20 or 30 blocks like a big living areas for everyone. So for the children playground also have few of it separate in each area. Some people are riding bicycles ,scooters or cars to go inside their apartment. Some of them are walking by foots or taking buses. The bus station is 200meters away by walking distance from the entrance of the apartment guard house. In the evening you can see people doing some traditional dance as an exercise. Some of them are doing the open air karaoke at the streetside or outside of the shopping mall area. There are some who like to play the small chinese drum as well. People that living in Wuhan seems to enjoy their life with noise and crowds. It seems like they don't know the difference between sounds pollution and sounds for joyful at the right time. There was once I went to the management office to ask about the speaker that always playing musics outside the apartment areas. Is it possible to get rid of it because it is really bothering people with this kind of sounds pollution. Especially when it's not the kind of music you would appreciate to listen all the days.

Then I saw an old woman come to the management office to complain about the noise from the frogs in the pond are making every night. It's disturbing her sleep. She would appreciate if the management could send some workers to kill all the frogs or move it away from the pond. Oh gosh! But don't she understand these frogs come from nature and these sounds are not pollution compare to the speaker of musics outside the apartment area...Hmmm.... Another time our new neighbour who is living downstairs playing the music so loud downstairs during midnight in their apartment while everybody is sleeping. Frederic and I can't sleep at all. Finally Frederic went downstairs to knock at his door for 3 times. Then only he came to open the door. Frederic was asking him if he knows what time is it now and everybody needs to sleep and work tomorrow early morning. Then he kept on saying sorry sorry sorry and turn the music off.
But life is so much lively there...always full of excitement and adventurous. You could experienced something that you could never see in the big city life. You could also understand more about the big difference of the poor and the rich people that are living in Wuhan, China. Everyday I had seen something new and interesting there. It's an unregrettable life to live in China!

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